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sethnintendo said:
Jumpin said:

Why on earth would you want to vote for a libertarian party? History proved time and again that libertartarianism simply doesn't work; do you Americans just not know about the 18th and 19th centuries?

Well, I am to the point where I would vote for about any party besides Democrats and Republicans.  Libertarians might have the balls to actually make some meaningful cuts.  You can cut as much as you want elsewhere but eventually you are going to have to look at the three main big ones that affect most of the budget (Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and Military).  Apparently, those programs are off hands for most politicians considering people would be upset.  Hell, I wouldn't even mind voting for a fascist party considering our politicians are basically owned by the corporations anyways.  Also, I don't think we ran up that much debt during the 18th and 19th centuries like we did in the past few decades.  Quite frankly I don't think anything can help push USA in the right direction now.  We are just waiting to fall off the cliff.

The two wealthiest nations on the planet were England and France, and under libertarian regimes there was mass starvation and death in both the core nations of the UK and France, resulting in millions of deaths between the two. Not to mention the exploits by wealthy industrialists within their empires; particularly their exploits in Africa which resulted in the destruction of the entire continent; and nightmarish amounts of misery - 10 million deaths in the congo rubber industry alone.

If you don't want corporations running everything, then you don't want a libertarian government. All that will do is enable insurance portion of corporate conglomerate to control everything the government did; and they can buy up all the farms, and sell you what you need to survive for a much higher price - and you'll have to buy it; and when you can't, you have no choice but crime or death.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.