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I don't really understand these questions fully. When/if games are released, systems sell better.

Games are coming. We know that. How much of a boost will the games on the immediate horizon give the Vita? We don't know yet.

Also, I know a lot of people think developers can snap their fingers and produce a game, but it doesn't exactly work like that. It can take years. In Japan, a lot of PSP games are still being released, which means those developers have been working on PSP projects until now. Most developers have to finish what they are working on before they can move on to something else.

We have no idea what and how many games are in production for the Vita. Some developers announce early, some wait until later in the cycle. The console could sell poorly for the next year, with the same people proclaiming that it's dead, then a few big releases over the holidays could make them look like nimrods.

The Vita is no more "doomed" than the PS3 or the 3DS was at launch. You'd think people would know better by now that the life of a game console is a marathon, not a sprint.