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Naninho said:

Sorry, but I fucking hate PlayStation All-Stars and will never buy it...

The mixture of totally incompatible styles makes me feel dizzy and nauseous. Hell! Just look at this pic:



I love Metal Gear, and LocoRoco was one of my favourite PSP games, but how could anyone be comfortable playing with this collage?

I think you're missing the point. Where's the flair in mixing Resistance with Killzone, Jak with Sly, Twisted Metal with inFamous, etc? Why just match similar things when this is a game where a stuffed toy can perform a suplex on the god of war. A game where a 2D rapping dog can smack a skateboard on a 3d overweight mass murdering flame headed clown. Crazy cross-overs is kinda the point. Superbot decided to not just let it end at character but also blend environment and so far it's worked really well. 

Also, maybe you can atleast wait and see the stage in action before writing it off from two screen shots?

4 ≈ One