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JWeinCom said:

A 12 year old girl might not make it clear either, but that doesn't make it any less illegal.  Minors aren't legally qualified to give consent, and neither are animals. 

Again, why would letting two humans who are of sound mind, of the same species, and are capable of giving verbal consent, lead to people suddenly thinking that animals are capable of entering into consensual sexual relationships?  Please, explain to me clearly and in detail how one thing leads to another.

The reason why a girl would not make it clear and a horse wouldn't (horse as the most efficient example for my side of the debate), is that a girl would stay quiet for much more complex reasons, and so it's hard to tell what's going on in her mind, same could be said about a 12 year old boy. But an animal staying quiet is less likely due to some kind of psychological pressure they would feel.

Example, parental sexual abuse. The child would likely not say anything so as to not alarm other members of the family, or because the person committing the abuse is a figure of authority.