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Crono141 said:
oniyide said:
MDMAlliance said:
I'm quite certain that the people who says Nintendo consoles don't offer them anything they're interested in (that isn't multiplat) haven't played more than Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Kirby from Nintendo. There are a lot of other 1st and 3rd party exclusives on Nintendo consoles that hit every other genre. I think a lot of this is just excuses as to say one console is better. I also feel like people don't understand how much more powerful the Wii U is than the 360 and PS3. People say the vague things like "it's not much stronger" or "barely any difference" and I even saw the "if you use the pro-controller on the Wii U it isn't any different than the PS360." The Wii U is at the very bare minimum twice as powerful as the "current gen" (though I would say it's more like 3.5 times or so) and I don't see how twice as powerful equates as "barely." Especially since when you talk about multiplying the power difference, as you get more and more powerful, that difference between the systems is exponentially different. 1 x 2 = 2. 2 x 2 = 4. 4 x 2 = 8. 8 x 2 = 16. Basic math.
I'm also seeing people saying that it costs too much money for what it is. If that was meant to be about the library it has available, then that's legitimate. However, it reads to be that it costs too much money for how powerful it is. However, $250 is okay for a PS3/360? The Wii U is only $50 more.

Why is it so hard to imagine that some people dont like Ninty games?? Its ok not to like them and it being completly unmalicious.

People dont understand how its "much" more powerful than PS360, whose fault is that, thats up to Ninty to do or not do and they are not going to do that with NSMBWu. YOu can quote specs till you are blue in the face but in the real world very little care, its about showing not telling and be honest is there any game being released in the first two months for Wii U that looks "much" better than anything of PS360??

This is a legitimate complaint.  Nintendo was mum on Wii specs because next to PS360 it couldn't hope to compare.   They weren't worried about the specs because the strategy was for playstyle.

This time around though, if they're truly going for the hardcore, they need to hype up their specs.  Even if you have to make up something like "blast processing" to get the hype train rolling, they need to do it.  Truth is, we've hit a mhz limit on most chips (we've had 2.5-3.5 ghz chips for years now), so there's no number that nintendo will be able to point to and say "this is clearly better because of this number our system does compared to their system".  WiiU chips likely run at the same clock speeds as PS360, but the improvements are all under the hood.  Much like how a current gen intel i series at 2.4 ghz blows away a pentium 4 at 2.4 ghz.  Mhz mean less and less.

So its difficult for nintendo to show in a soundbyte that their system is jacked up.  But 7 years of technology and processor design is nothing to turn your nose up at.  Their chip is a watson, the family of IBM's most powerful chips, and among the most powerful chips on the planet.

You'll see starwars 1313 level graphics on the WiiU.  You'll see UE4.  WiiU is nothing to scoff at.  There's just nothing to show yet that demonstrates that well.  ZombiU is a game designed for current gen.  As is Trine 2 (which looks beautiful) and Rayman Legends.  Give it a little while.  By the time PS4 and Xbox3 come around, you'll see that WiiU is indeed a next gen machine.

fair enough and i hope you are right, i hope it does turn out to be nothing to scoff at, i am going to give it a while, which is why i will not be getting one anytime soon. Not gonna do what i did with Wii and wait around for games. I will wait until we see these Star Wars level of graphics and not before