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I don't want to take hassle of quoting you from different posts, just look at your property owning cause you shown. You said the owner of the road sets the rules (thus restrict your freedom), ioi owns the forum (thus restricts your freedom). Yet you don't believe in defamation laws etc etc.

I strongly believe, in order to make the society peaceful, everyone should be careful what to say to others and respectful to others, at least that is the teaching of Islam.

What Islam teaches about saying bad things about others:
It is called 'Geebat' to say bad thing about a person who is not present. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked, 'What if that bad thing is present in that person, will we still be doing sin?' Prophet said, 'Yes, and if that bad thing is not present in that person, you are imposing lie on him and that is a bigger sin.'

May Allah make our mind respectful to all. Thanks SamuelRSmith, this is the end of debate with you.