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Romney will win California and some of the Western states - but I actually see him losing Mass.  Mccain will do well in the North East and South West.  Huckabee will hurt Romney enough in the southern states for Mccain to 'win' pluaralities in the South.  Paul will come in fourth in about 1/2 the states, third in about 1/3 of the states, and 2nd or 1st in a few others.  I actually think he could win Alaska, and he's got a shot in Montana, Minnesota, and I could see him pulling off an upset or two in places like Illinois.

Obama will win California, Illinois, most of the midwestern and southern states.  Clinton will win NY, NJ, and CT, and be effectively tied in the south and south western states.


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu