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teigaga said:

Could this be the Vita's 2013 Q1+Q2 line up. Its just a list of announced games and when I think they are likely to come out, I've tried to be realistic and so far it seems they are on their way to having a killer 2013!


Sly Cooper 4, Soul Sacrifice, Piccoto Knight, FFX HD


Tear Away, Phantasy Star Online 2, Killzone Mercinaries

I don't know what sony would have lined up for the 2nd half but heres some wishfull thinking, hopefully they don't just try and stretch out  the above titles across the full length of the year.

July/september 2013:

Final Fantasy Type 0(type 1), Puppeteer   <<< All Rather realistic

October/december 2013:

Borderlands (spin off), Grand Turismo Vita, Morrowind HD,  GTA, FFVI


What do you guys think? Will the 3DS's be stronger?

I dont know what you're using but its pretty strong stuff. Most of those games arent even confirmed. FFXHD will not come out in the next six months i dont think. PSO2 much less. Maybe Q3/Q4 in the west.

The games you list for the second half of the year are all made up. Wich is why i think you're either high or trolling.

The 3DS will definitly have a stronger line-up. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Fire emblem to start off the year. Ace attourney 5 later in the year... between other goodies to look forward to like MH4 and SMT4.


To be completely honest, i like the Vita as a system even though it fails as a product that should diferentiate itself from the competition, but without a price cut, the system is gonna get chocked by the 3DS and the Wii U. I do think the Vita dies after this christmas. You will have some games early next year but third party support will be gone. Its then up to Sony to drag the system along if they want.