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Could this be the Vita's 2013 Q1+Q2 line up. Its just a list of announced games and when I think they are likely to come out, I've tried to be realistic and so far it seems they are on their way to having a killer 2013!


Sly Cooper 4, Soul Sacrifice, Piccoto Knight, FFX HD


Tear Away, Phantasy Star Online 2, Killzone Mercinaries

I don't know what sony would have lined up for the 2nd half but heres some wishfull thinking, hopefully they don't just try and stretch out  the above titles across the full length of the year.

July/september 2013:

Final Fantasy Type 0(type 1), Puppeteer   <<< All Rather realistic

October/december 2013:

Borderlands (spin off), Grand Turismo Vita, Morrowind HD,  GTA, FFVI


What do you guys think? Will the 3DS's be stronger?