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I am still not sold. Assassins Creed 3, Black Ops 2 are all games i can get on my PS3 too. What depends for me are exclusive games.
Never had played Monster Hunter, bayonetta 1 was shit in my eyes ( so i am not interestet inn Bayonetta 2), not interestet in Pikmin 3 and Super Mario Bros is overhyped ( the game on the 3ds Jump and run is average in my eyes), Zombie U does look avergae too

The only game i am interestet is Rayman Legends and Zelda. Rayman Legends will come to PS3 and x BOX360 sometimes in 2013 ( my retailer has listen the game) and Zelda will release sometimes in 2014.
So at this rate i am not very interestet in the Wii U. 90% of the games are ports and the Wii U have the same problem right knwo like the VIta has, to many ports, to less unique games for the system itself.

And we have seen it now several times what to many ports for a system mean sales wise. We have seen that with the 3ds and the Vita how the failed the first year (3ds) and the still fail ( Vita) sales wise.
But of course the handheld market is different than the console market. So it isvery difficult to see how the Wii U will sell.

The problem i see and i think it will be no different with the pS4 and the X Box720- Developers can not wait to get hands on a next gen system but at the same time they are not willing to create some unique games for each system. The would rather port some games to make some easy cash. And it thats so than i am not very intrestet in next gen either. I only have three games buyed for my vita right know because other than that all games are only some lazy ports or some games i am not very intrestet.