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I'm not a "fan" of anything but good games that are fun. I couldn't care less who makes a console as long as it is high quality and has the games gamers want.

so far, not impressed at all. the console is too much $$$ for what you are getting. some launch window titles look ok, others look like wtfcrap. the only game I am really looking forward to is pikman 3, and I mean, I can live without it.
Avoiding the wiiu untill it is $200 or less and next gen consoles are out. It looks like once again nintendo will be avoided by gamers. the only difference I see is late in the gen people might get it for the exclusives ( pikman 3 as I said before, some mario games if they are good ect).
I hoped nintendo would come back and be as awesome as they were with N64 but they won't be.