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So... I'm not getting WipEout2048's platinum. That online campaign will give me cancer. Had ten events in a row that just felt super pointless. It's a race! I'd dominate every race if they actually treated it like a race but nooooo... I blast into first place leaving the other guys with no hope only to remember that I have to hit two specific enemies with weapons in order to get the elite pass. Wtf is this shit??? It's a race!!! I'm 6 seconds ahead of 2nd place. Give me my fuckin' elite pass for that!

Combat event Goals: finish the event, hit an enemy with a weapon... FUCK THAT.

I've got all elite passes in the campaign, made it to mach 1.5 in a zone event. I'm going to get 52s at Altima in the Pirana Speed at C class and consider that my personal platinum (current record is 52.19). I only bother platinuming games that I like but not if the trophy feels like a chore.

4 ≈ One