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Bayonetta 2 sounds really awesome. I still don't have the first, but I loved Vanquish and Mad World so much, it's been on my to get list for a while.

I think with the games announced I'll likely get my Wii U next fall. The only launch games I am interested in are Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101, so I don't mind waiting. May even get it as late as 2014 so I have time to beat all my Wii games and see price drops on the above games plus Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 (or whatever CoD releases next fall, not by treyarch.

Still with Fire Emblem for 3DS coming next fall, I may be getting 2 Nintendo systems within 6 months of each other. I am impressed with the Wii U and I hope CoD and AC3 sell respectable numbers. I would really like to see some strong third party support on a Nintendo console for once.

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