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ninetailschris said:
nuckles87 said:
What can Sony do? They can release far more games like this and focus less on console ports and cross play.

This is the first high quality original Vita retail game since Gravity Rush back in June. And before that, the last big high quality exclusives were February launch titles.

Sony also needs to advertise games like this more. LittleBigPlanet Vita ought to be a system seller, just like Gravity Rush and Uncharted ought to have been. I can recall few if any ads that emphasized a single game title.

I lol'd at the Uncharted part.

Whats wrong with is post? He said "ought".

I don't really know what Sony's marketing team is doing but they need to get it together. I feel so bad that such great games are being over looked I want to make a commercial for them and then just put it on Youtube. I think Sony needs to really regroup about this.

Here is an idea...

-The Kevin Butler ad campaign has probably been the only marketing success since the PS3's inception. The PSP tried to copy it but kind of a little shit. I don't like him at all and many wouldn't with his acting career basically type casting him as a diliquent.

-What they should do? try remaking the PS3 success with Vita, but this time use a little girl. I invision some smart mouthed little girl with pigtails with a lot of sass but adorable persona. It is no secret that the casual audience.....mostly comprised of females. They need to target the individual games again for the commercials. Make her appear casual but act hardcore. I think that would be surefire gold. Yet what do I know...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)