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L. Ron Hubbard (maker of Scientology) said, and I quote:

"Make money. Make more money. Make other people make money." He's all about the money.

"Never discuss Scientology with the critic. Just discuss his or her crimes, known and unknown." HOLY SHIT is this true. I've watched a number of youtube videos where people come up to Scientologists and question them. And they just go BATSHIT CRAZY and start asking WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES, WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES, DID YOU EVER RAPE A BABY, ARE YOU A CHILD MOLESTOR? etc.

I mean...that's just freaking insane...and they ALL say similar's very clear that they indeed have been taught to say insane things like that. What are my crimes? What are yours? Why don't you ever try to explain Scientology to the unprivileged? Why the secrets? Why the money? Why can't it be free?

"We are slowly and carefully teaching the unholy a lesson. It is as follows: We are not a law enforcement agency. BUT we will become interested in the crimes of people who seek to stop us. If you oppose scientology we promptly look up - and find and expose - your crimes. If you leave us alone we will leave you alone.

It's very simple. Even a fool can grasp that.

And don't underrate our ability to carry it out. "

And it's clear the cult of Scientology has tried to do just that with bigger names...they REALLY DID try to break into a bunch of government facilities.

And of course, the classic L. Ron Hubbard quote:

"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."


Now, I realize, as you MUST realize, that Scientology is a crock devised by Hubbard, a failing science fiction author. And that Scientology grew nonetheless, and exists whether you like it or a religion you say, superchunk.

I'm not really sure how to convince you that it's a cult...I'm not very good with explaining.

One thing that always gets me though is the money...Catholicism might be a money machine, I don't really know, but I'm a Reformed Christian. And in my church, we take offerings on Sunday, but a money machine it is NOT. The money is A) to keep the physical building running, and B) for the needs of the community, be that near or far with missions. I realize that people say missions are just for the good of the religion, so my money is just going to Christianity, but of course I believe that we're just helping the people, and teaching them about God because we have the opportunity. If they don't accept it, we're not going to force anything on them...everyone should have a choice.

And the fact that you need to pay to get higher with an elite group makes it a cult, from a secular point of view I guess. No religion, a set of beliefs or rituals can function by forcing members to pay money to get higher. That's the work of a cult, or rather, a scam.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )