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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
Hell no, Ir controls have little to do with the actual quality of the game, if its fun it doesnt really matter how you control it as long as the game is fun. IR controls could make a good game better (Killzone3) but not a a bad or mediocore game good(conduit, farcry vengeance)

I'd argue they did exactly that in Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed it anywhere near as much without the super smooth aiming or cool gesture based stuff like pumping the shotgun and firing the bazooka off my shoulder with the rumble/noise in my ear.
A bad game no, a mediocre one yes, IMO.

disagree, IMHO that game was more on the good side and i played it without motion controls. Maybe you just didnt like the game as much as i did, which is cool.