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SnakeDrake said:
Heavenly_King said:
Runa216 said:
Heavenly_King said:
I know that it has nothing to do with this thread, but I just platinumed MGS4...WOOT!!! XD

dude that is hardcore. don't you have to like beat the game 4 times at minimum and have a run where you do it all without being spotted?

You have to play the game EIGHT (8) times at minimum in order to collect all the emblems (for the Ipod tracks lol trophy).  And 1 of them must be on the hardest mode (The Boss Extreme), without being spotted, without dying, without using health items, without killing anybody, without using special items (stealth camo, bandanna) and beat the game in less than 5hrs XD.   Even though it is hardcore of some sorts, I think there are games a lot harder to plat, like the ones having on-line trophies lol XD.  Or at least a lot more tedious lol.

The first 2 playthroughs were in normal trying to collect some trophies and completing requirements for some emblems.  My 3rd playthrough was in The Boss Extreme, and finished that game in 3hr 32min, but considering all the retries (quitting to the main menu and load) it took me like 10 hours lol.   After that I did the last 5 playthroughs in 3 days, it almost drove me nuts!  Now I have plats in every MGS solid game XD.  If I remember right, MGS2 HD is harder to plat.

Why I wrote all of that? I dont know; maybe I just wanted to tell someone all the things I did in order to get the plat :D

I wonder how many people here also have the plat

How long it took you to complete all those VR missions in MGS2 I'm like 4% in an 1 hour of gameplay XD

It took me a lot of time, because there are some missions that in order to get them done, you need almost perfection, like the later ones about sneaking. If you get spotted "Fission Mailed" lol XD.  I recommend you search for youtube videos for the VR missions you find hard to do, so that you can complete them.  It may be difficult to emulate the video posted by a cyborg lol, but as you keep trying, you will also add some things of your own in order to adapt what you saw in the video to how the game is reacting to you; ..... you will get it, but you will need a lot of patience if you are like me.   If you are some kind of cyborg, like the ones in the youtube videos,  you will complete them in no time XD

I recommend you to get the dog tags related trophies first, if you dont have them (play thorugh the game 5 times, each one of them in a harder difficulty than the previous one) .   Hard Extreme can be a kick in the nuts, but it will prepare you to what is yet to come.....Yes the VR missions are harder than HARD EXTREME.