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As I'm sure some of you have heard me say in the past I use a bare minimum of 6 weeks to establish an emerging trend.

With that said the Wii needs to start stringing together consecutive weeks above 100k before we can make any serious predictions. But looking at the numbers as of now its about 1.7m behind the 360 in N.A. if we say the Wii gains 70k a week (360 @ 60k/week & Wii @130k/week) then it will be another ~24.3 weeks until it catches the 360 which would be the week ending July 28th before it catches the 360 and passes it.

That breakdown makes a lot of assumptions so expect it to change as the situation changes. Also feel free to adapt it for your own numbers if you want, I was just trying to put it into a rough ballpark range.

I'm somewhat curious what kind of weekly sales you guys are expecting for these March predictions? Seems a little far-fetched to me, but perhaps I am being too conservative in my estimates.

To Each Man, Responsibility