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Don't overhype it guys. Melee was one of our favorite games ever(Nintendo fans) but it averaged about a 89.9? I believe it'll hit somewhere around in there. I will be very satisfied if it gets above a 9/10. That would just make my day, honestly.

IGN has been pissing me off lately in all of their podcasts, honestly. That one little guy who is always hating on the 360 and the Wii seems to roam the hallways to make sure he gets on every one. You obviously know the guy, he's got the little prick voice.

Anyway, if somehow it DOES hit the 10 ten at gamerankings or metacritic, I will probably shit a brick, excuse my french.

To me, I have no doubt it'll be a 10/10, because my reviewers tilt is so off the charts positive, that I would love the game if you had to make armpit farts to perform a smash.

IGN prediction: 9/10

Gamespot depends on the reviewer, and I hate to say it, but with Gerstman gone, we have a much better chance at a good score.

Gametrailers: 9/10

Xplay: 5/5

Averaging a 93 would put my predictions right on mark, but I might be a little high, so I'm sticking with "happy with a 90".

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.