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I have to confess that all the time I kept hearing about 'Demi' on a talent show, I kept wondering why anyone would put Demi Moore on as a judge. She is a fine actress, but not known for or singing or dancing. I had never heard of the other one.

I think a real reason people hate autotune is most everyone knows (or should) a truly talent vocalist - hard working, great voice, pitch control, but they don't get to be packaged stars cause they don't look the part, overweight or too old. So stars get made out others with marginal talent - but look the part and can be autotweaked so they sound ok.

Britney, is a great performer - not the best singer. They are different talents - she can put on an amazing show, but has vocal 'help.' She was on 'Star Search' and did well, but didn't win. OH, found the video:

Simon is most hilarious person in this scene.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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