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HappySqurriel said:
leo-j said:
ew.. hopefully ps3 slim takes wii u's sales wind down.. I really dislike nintendo's strategy with their new console.. really making it almost on par with the ps3/360.. is just ridicoulous.. considering they are VERY OLD systems.. it's not like in 2006, when ps2 launched in 2000, and wii was about equal to XBOX, these are.. 6-7 year old consoles.. Xbox was 5 years old.. when wii launched.. sony/microsoft can really skip ahead by a lot

You're making a lot of assumptions about the technology that is in the Wii, and also completely ignoring the non-performance enhancements Nintendo is making with their platform ...

Personally, I think Sony, Microsoft and most third party publishers could learn a lot from Nintendo. Even though a large portion of gamers (possibly the majority) prefer single player and local multiplayer experiences over competitive online games, more and more developers are abandoning single player and local multiplayer games in favour of online competitive games. At the same time, while Nintendo has produced many attractive looking games for the Wii (like Super Mario Galaxy) by focusing on what the system can do without blindly focusing on photo-realism, most developers have moved so heavily into photo-realism that their games look bad as soon as new technology comes along.


If developers took more of a Timesplitters-approach to artistic style on the HD consoles it is unlikely that you would be disappointed with the graphics that were being produced ...

What developers are you referring to in that realism arguement you're creating..? Uncharted is a prime example of a game that doesn't have to be completely photo realistic yet still end up being one of the best looking franchises of a generation, same with GOD OF WAR III, that game looks like a painting come to life..

I don't know why you'd say SONY needs to take note from nintendo, considering SONY is the only gaming company pushing games like TEARAWAY/LAST OF US.. AND more new ip on console.. and not rehashing old franchises that are eventually going to stop selling.. in fact sony seems to be the only game company that is really supporting it's video game systems right now.. with their non stop constant flow of new ip and game releases..

