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HappySqurriel said:

No, I mentioned third party because no add-ons in the history of consoles have been well supported by third party publishers ...

There's no causality to that argument.

MDMAlliance said:
It's kind of sad that the biggest pride some people have in gaming are power and graphics. Power and graphics do something for a game, yes. However, if the experience is good, why care so much about it? It's strange how we are, when we get something extra, we always want more. "That's great, what more is there? Give me more." and that kind of attitude could be one of the reasons as to why great games do not make it into production or get cancelled, etc.

Does this have anything to do with what was said in the thread? Nobody is saying the games are less good because the system is not next gen. We're just arguing whether it's next gen or not. Your suspicion of the contrary makes you the target of your own post.