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Tridrakious said:

Cool yourself. Considering the week before had the Vita below 10k and this week it is at 50k shows the system has life in it. Plus Miku sold 160k on a userbase of a little more than 850k and who knows how well this game will sell in the long run on the PlayStation Store. I would believe that overall the first week could be over 200k including the digital sales of the game.

This is one of the best weeks the Vita has had and appears to be a turning point. Persona 4 and Miku J have shown it just comes down to the software available.

15k on psn. Also P4 and miku have an already stablished niche fanbase, so you are right it depends on software but like p4g, it's no turning point yet, it still has to show it can stabilize itself around those numbers something that muight not happen with the current japanese line up for this year and to how small legs miku games have. It will loose its momentum im afraid.