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happydolphin said:
Chark said:

Fair enough but highlighting its poor sales isn't your job. Sony is trying to sell its handheld and how good of a job its doing is its own concern, that doesn't mean people can't speak positively of the system, including you. Word of mouth is an important part of marketing, it's just hard to witness all the active attempts to discredit a system when it is indeed a very solid device. Those people tend to try and use sales data as ammunition against the system, but I suppose they would use anything against them, even Cross Buy is being twisted into a negative despite it being identical to PSone games, Minis, and a few PSN titles. Imagine the stink if you had to rebuy PSone games on Vita. Anyway it would be nice if sales weren't brought up when someone is deciding to buy a Vita as that is self fulfilling and that goes for every new system. Consumers shouldn't be so skeptical of new hardware and Sony especially doesn't need fuel on the fire right now. The Vita needs more support from gamers saying it is a great system and to purchase it rather than spread sentiments that it isn't popular so it shouldn't be bought, too much attention to sales will paint it that way. 

I know this is a sales site and it is good to analyze and discuss the data but it seems like you might be doing it just so you can highlight Vita's poor sales rather than discuss them. The bad sales are already there, the way I see it the only thing left to talk about is how to bring them up. I'm a PR/marketing type guy so encouraging sales is in my nature so excuse me if I do see the point in not doing so. If you are doing this as an investment type person I would have thought you might entertain possible scenarios of the Vita starting to sale well as oppose to just encouraging others to think that the system will not sell. This might sound like I'm shooting the messenger but people views and opinions are effected by the information they are fed.

I know Kowen, and that's not why he does it. He does it because he likes things said as they are, and not sugarcoated like too many people do. As such, many people were claiming that the Vita would destroy the 3DS, and look at what happened. That's why we're here, because we are baffled by the numbers and it's so fun to see the data truthfully above all else. That's why graphs like those in OP are so precious.

The only information Kowen gave us was the cold hard facts. That peoples' opinions are fed on that, I am all for it.

Another great thing about this thread goes beyond the Vita. Many people think that the 3DS is performing poorly, but will say that the DS did amazing. However, when you look at the curves he made, you can see that the 3DS is kicking the DS' ass! So, it goes to show that this data needs to be out there so misinformation can be purged and thoughtful discussion can breed.

Kowen has gotten anxious and stepped inside threads to point out poor sales when it wasn't called for though, granted only a few times but as Sony's financial situation gets worse he becomes more upfront about it. The lines between simple fact gathering and cheering are blurring as time goes by. Maybe he is just sick of people who defend the company, but finding silver lining and supporting a company on the downturn isn't a terrible thing. If everyone abandoned companies at the first sign of weakness there wouldn't be any competition as it would all just boil down to a series of monopolies as consumers only buy the number 1 company.

I haven't seen anyone argue the 3DS is selling poorly ina long time, maybe in the US but everyone can see those sales. As for Vita I don't see anyone arguing that the sales are good. After selling this low for an extended period of time it is pretty clear. I still expect a decent holiday turn around but tht doesn't erase the last few months. People are using the facts about Vita's sales as a means to speak bad about the system and claim that it will be discontinued and justify saying misinformation about its software lineup. Lower sales than other consoles doesn't mean the system is "dead" like many say and people can't hide behind facts to justify misleading information which many are doing, though not Kowen. Kowen could have easily ignored Mmmfishtacos comment but instead brought it to attention in a defensive manner and I am just trying to check him.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(