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kowenicki said:
Chark said:
kowenicki said:
Chark said:
kowenicki said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
Vita isn't going anywhere. Software support is great now an will only get better, plus psp and ps1 games and ps2 hd collections. It got more games than you could shake a stick at. Don't be fooled by the haters.

Sorry, but what does this even mean in this thread?

This is a thread showing historical data.  Whats your problem with it?

I think he is just referring to the large amount of hate the system is getting, could easily have nothing to do with this thread so don't be so defensive. You must admit you are very critical of the system yourself though so maybe it isn't any wonder why you responded to this post like that.

As for what Mmmfishtacos is trying to say is that despite slow sales the system is receiving a lot of support from 1st party and some support from 3rd parties is trickeling in. Aside from some big names like EA, Activiison, and Ubisoft Japanese publishers will start appearing soon after having waited out to release PSP games, ideally they would have supported Vita earlier but they are very tight with their money. Once they show support Vita will do very well in Japan.

The system is making money for Sony and consoles like that are revenue sources that they will want to keep around so they will keep putting out 1st party titles and 3rd parties will jump aboard aswell. Having low sales in the start of its lifecycle is a poor reason to not purchase one, very self fulfilling. A system doesn't need to be the number one selling system in order to be successful or supported by publishers.

Show me a single post (just one) where I am critical of the system... the actual system, not its sales or how Sony is handling it?

While you are searching you will see posts where I praised its launch line up as one of the best ever, I also think the hardware is excellent. 



By system I don't just mean the hardware and games. You seem very quick to dismissing the system because of its sales and will often jump into conversation to twist a knife in it by mentioning the low sales. If you like the console you should probably try harder not to sting it so much. It might not matter on this small scale but if you choose to argue the good qualities of the system you could encourage sales, even by a little. Rather your comments tend to be viewed as a reason not to get the system, wether that is your intention or not.

Side note, have you bought one yet?

That's Sony's job.

I haven't bought one yet.  I doubt I will buy another dedicated handheld ever. 

Fair enough but highlighting its poor sales isn't your job. Sony is trying to sell its handheld and how good of a job its doing is its own concern, that doesn't mean people can't speak positively of the system, including you. Word of mouth is an important part of marketing, it's just hard to witness all the active attempts to discredit a system when it is indeed a very solid device. Those people tend to try and use sales data as ammunition against the system, but I suppose they would use anything against them, even Cross Buy is being twisted into a negative despite it being identical to PSone games, Minis, and a few PSN titles. Imagine the stink if you had to rebuy PSone games on Vita. Anyway it would be nice if sales weren't brought up when someone is deciding to buy a Vita as that is self fulfilling and that goes for every new system. Consumers shouldn't be so skeptical of new hardware and Sony especially doesn't need fuel on the fire right now. The Vita needs more support from gamers saying it is a great system and to purchase it rather than spread sentiments that it isn't popular so it shouldn't be bought, too much attention to sales will paint it that way. 

I know this is a sales site and it is good to analyze and discuss the data but it seems like you might be doing it just so you can highlight Vita's poor sales rather than discuss them. The bad sales are already there, the way I see it the only thing left to talk about is how to bring them up. I'm a PR/marketing type guy so encouraging sales is in my nature so excuse me if I do see the point in not doing so. If you are doing this as an investment type person I would have thought you might entertain possible scenarios of the Vita starting to sale well as oppose to just encouraging others to think that the system will not sell. This might sound like I'm shooting the messenger but people views and opinions are effected by the information they are fed.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(