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sethnintendo said:

Why not vote for Gary Johnson?  I just wish we could have more people in the debates.  However, the Ross Perot "rule" where you have to have 15 percent in order to get into the debates has effectively shut out third party candidates from debates.  Something has to change with our election process.  To me it seems worthless to vote for the President if you live in a state that you already know the outcome.  There shouldn't be an electoral college and if the winning candidate has less than 50 percent of the votes then there should be a run off (not to sure how else to get the American public to vote for third parties).  Already way off topic here (I blame D21) but voting just seems pointless to me...

I'd like to see more people in the debates, too. Just about every idea that garners broad bipartisan support sucks shit, but shutting out third parties sucks more shit than most.

I just can't bring myself to vote for Johnson, though. He was good governor and seems a pretty affable guy, but I find him disturbingly Romney-like in the sense that Romney made a shit ton of money but can't muster half as articulate defense of markets as Ron Paul, who has made significantly less than Romney. (Maybe this is  because Romney benefitted from bailouts, lolz.) Similarly, Johnson seems like a guy who likes libertarianism at the gut level but can't really articulate it to people beyond, "Smoking pot is cool with me, brah, and immigration laws are teh racist." Any time he talks libertarian theory, he just sounds totally out of his depth.

Besides, when you're talking about a bunch of people who can't possibly win and the odds of your vote ever deciding an election even at the state level are astronomically small anyway, it seems stupid to figure out where your vote would be the most useful. Nobody will even notice your vote, so you may as well just vote your conscience.