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kitler53 said:
Dgc1808 said:
TheKoreanGuy said:
kitler53 said:
okay, so i just saw the new metal gear trailer...

i think i want to get into this franchise. where's the best place to start? release chronological? seeing as MGS is listed at compatible for vita and the MGS HD collection is too is that a good plan? Should i go for the ps3 HD collection instead? Where do the psp games fit in?

I'm going release order myself, and nen-suer forgot to mention Metal Gear 1 and 2. They are the first two games and if you don't play them, you might get lost when you start with MGS1. If you get the HD collection, you can find them under Snake Eater. Also I actually heard portable ops does have some importance to the story but it's up to you. Maybe if you really get into MGS, then you might want to check it out. Oh, and I'm not sure if Metal Gear 1 and 2 are included on the Vita version but I know it's on the ps3 version.

I can confirm for you guys that they're included. They're in the main menu of MGS3. If you could get the PS3 version of the collection I would recommend that over the Vita version, though. It's cheaper and comes with Peace Walker.

thanks to everyone replying to me!

so is there any reason other than price to go for the ps3 version of the HD collection?  i know getting it for vita (+peacewalker) will cost more but to be honest, money isn't exactly a big deal for me.  i was thinking that with the smaller screen maybe they'll look at bit better on vita.  that and my ps3 backlog is huge while my vita is not.  are controls gimped at all on vita?   either way i'm going to go download MGS1 now.

oh, and do i really need to play MG 1 and 2 first?  i actually started MG waaay back in the day when it was new.  there was a tank i couldn't get past and i eventually gave up.  i don't remember there being much story beyond the parachuting in bit at the very very beginning.

I don't know about MG2 but so far, MG1 is pretty empty when it comes to story. I'm guessing 2 won't be much different. 

As for controls, MGS3 on the Vita plays very well actually. In some aspects it actually feels like the definitve way to play. Menu selection in Metal Gear with the triggers always seemed a bit odd. The way it's handled on the front touch screen is much smoother and feels natural. The rear-touch pad is only used in a few situations and those situations actually make sense. It makes what I played on the PS2 feel a somewhat clumsy.

One thing I had to get used to was that the face buttons aren't... i'm not sure how to discribe it. The feature i'm thinking of is explained in this thread. On the Vita, if you want to put down your aimed pistol, you press down on the d-pad. This alternative works well and it's the only case where I actually loved the fact that the face buttons and analogs were very close. At least one dev out there knows how to work well with what many including myself considered a design flaw at one point.

As for MGS2, i'm not sure. Haven't had much time with it on the Vita, yet. 

EDIT: Forgot to link the thread...

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