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Farsala said:
Upbeat demanour of FFVIII? Call me crazy but I consider it the darkest FF. FFX is dark at some points too. FFXII seems to be upbeat to me. Hopefully we get more info on this game within a few months...

Its more of an asthetic/mood thing for me. A lot of it lies within the color scheme. You can visibly see how FFVIII,X, and XIII use an over abundance of bright florecent colors. This really annoys me for some reason, I think it detracts from the gravity or seriousness of the games. X was the most tolerable as I just love that world. XIII is probably the worst offender as hardened soldiers are running at you wearing bright pinks and blues like someone just dumped a bucket of paint on them, same with the characters. Using color is fine, its when they go overboard with it that it becomes a problem.

This is not to say those games do not have serious themes. X was very serious and was a pretty dark story in retrospect. Yet I cannot shake the feeling all those magentas and cotton candy colors steal the impact away.

I need dark, dank, dirty,gloomy, rusty pipes, decayed buildings etc. Yet another reason I love FFVII's setting. Midgar was just right up my ally and I think it makes that game feel darker than the rest. Nomura gets that with Versus XIII, its clean, prestine, but moody, and primal all at the same time. When I see the cityscape in the trailers it evokes a feeling of walking NY barren streets alone at 3 in the morning. 




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)