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SamuelRSmith said:
Awful, completely awful.

* * *

These rules were purely put in place in response to the Paul campaign. Clearly, the GOP would rather die than see libertarian values put in place. If these rules were in place in the past, it's reasonable to claim that there never would have been a President Reagan (while I don't care much for Reagan, myself, he's the favourite of most Republican moderates and conservatives).

And what's really disgusting is the manner in which these rules were put in place. There wasn't even a legitimate vote, the results were pre-scripted. That alone proves what a complete and utter farce this whole primary has been.

Mark my words, the GOP will be dead by the end of the decade. This convention put the last nails in the coffin. Whether the party will be replaced by a Conservative or Libertarian alternative, is yet to be seen.

Seat them now! Seat them now!.. U-S-A-U-S-A... :D

To illustrate. This's pretty big. And just after I started thinking this's going to be usually boring.