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kitler53 said:
okay, so i just saw the new metal gear trailer...

i think i want to get into this franchise. where's the best place to start? release chronological? seeing as MGS is listed at compatible for vita and the MGS HD collection is too is that a good plan? Should i go for the ps3 HD collection instead? Where do the psp games fit in?

I'd recommend playing them in order of releases like intended. You get more off the story this way (and alot of cool surprises) 

And the imporved gameplay will help keep the experince fresh and you wont miss abilities not avialable in older games.

Order of releases: MGS1>MGS2>MGS3>MGS4>MGS Peace Walker


If you wann play by the time line then.

MGS 3 > MGS Peace Walker > MGS Ground Zero > Metal Gear Solid > MGS 2 > MGS 4 

Buy the PS3 version of the collection. The Vita version doesn't include "Peace Walker"

You can ignore the Portable Ops on the PSP coze it doesn't add anything significant to the story.


Really great series. Hope you enjoy it.

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