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I don't comment on this thread often, but I am looking forward to Playstation Allstars, and I might be getting a Vita to enjoy it on soon.

But, I must say Ryu Hayabusa is a HORRIBLE choice for this game. Terrible. I Love Ninja Gaiden. I think Ryu is awesome. I would love to have him in Smash Brothers.

The problem with him in All Stars is that he is more closely associated with not one, but two of Sony's competitors. The original trilogy is one of the most beloved NES series of all times, and the collection rocked the SNES hard. When people think of NES games, Ninja Gaiden comes up pretty quick.

The new series, on the other hand, is all about the Xbox. It was one of the reasons I broke down and bought the original box, and part two was a 360 exclusive (until Sigma 2). All Playstation EVER got from the series are a couple of releases in the form of the SIgma games. Hell, part 3 even seems like it will have its definitive version on the Wii U, and will be published by Nintendo.

There are some great character choices in All Stars, Parrapa, Sir Dan, Kratos even Heihachi. These characters mean something to the PS legacy. The great thing about Smash Brothers is that it feels like a celebration of all thing Nintendo, this game feels more like an Ad for upcoming games (even if Smash is that as well, it doesn't feel like it).