Michael-5 said:
curl-6 said:
Michael-5 said: As for your explanation, that makes a lot of sense. So then I'll change my opinion about the end of the game. However I think there could have been more explanation about the whole creating a new universe thing, it just has no scientific backing... |
I took it as an allusion to the Large Hadron Collider myself. Both are devices designed to create/simulate a "Big Bang," and where the LHC was feared to be a world-ender, the experiment in Xenoblade actually became one. The LHC fear was also well publicised during the production of Xenoblade.
Michael-5 said:
Hope their next game is as good as these two, I should play Blue Dragon sometime.
I'd recommend against Blue Dragon. As someone who loved both Lost Odyssey and The Last story, I found Blue Dragon to be an incredbily boring, mediocre, and often downright annoying game. It takes forever to get going, (the first disc is a coma-inducing chore) and almost everything about it from the bland story to the combat is unremarkable and tedious. It also features one of the most annoying characters I've encountered in any game.
Yes, that's true, and I was thinking that was inspiration for the game (actually I think I read an article stating that it was), but that doesn't explain how a big bang makes a new universe with those 3 as gods, and how they can manipulate the universe so easily, making beings just out of imagination.
I get where you're coming from. It does ask that the player takes a lot of things on faith. I was prepared to do so, mostly because I thought the concept was cool and I'm used to video game stories requiring leaps of logic, but I can understand that for some it's too big a leap.
Btw, did any of you find this hilarious hidden scene when playing TLS?
I love how the game has so many little easter eggs like this.