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Exile1987 said:
Runa216 said:
I bet I'm the only person in the world that doesn't like Sound Shapes. I just find it so obnoxious. the campaign mode is super easy, and the death mode is stupid hard (because it's random. not skill based.) I mean, I'm still truckin through, gonna get Platinum on it, but man, so frustrating.

Your not alone, I find it tedious as well, I only play it when I'm drunk on the train home - will grind the plat though.

yeah I'm getting trophies now and I just want to punch whoever's idea it was to make the note appearances random.  I just played a couple levels where I bounced gracefully through erupting spires and jumping enemies, I couldn't possibly have gone any faster....and I had 6 notes to get before time ran out.  it's a similar issue I had with Final fantasy XIII and in many ways most modern FPS games:  this is not a test of skill, this is random dumb luck.  Luck based games are horrible.  I hate them. Skill based games are FUN.  Devil May cry 3 on Dante must die mode (or you know, jsut hard more is pretty unforgiving) is tough but fair.  This...this is dumb. 

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