curl-6 said:
I bleeped the bit about Bionis heart. What level were you at when you beat Lorithia? I was one level higher than her, and I didn't have to grind to beat her, the dungeon before her got me up high enough. I got whipped the first time, but that was because I tried to attack her head-on. Once I used Melia as I explained earlier, with Sharla and Dunban, I slaughtered her. Xenoblade definiely has some plot holes, but some of those can be explained. Zanza gave Shulk life so that he could use him as a vessel, but once he did so, Shulk wasn't dependent on his continued support to live. His coma was due to being shot and the shock of Zanza leaving him. Alvis reveals later that Zanza inadvertantly made Shulk effectively a God; he left some of his godly power in him when he left his body, (the same happened with Meyneth and Fiora) which is how they exhibit the blue/red glows and super-human powers even after they are no longer hosts. (Culminating in Shulk getting his own Monado because as a God he's granted one by Alvis) I did prefer the characters and faster pacing of TLS too, even if I liked Xeno more overall. |
I was 6 levels below her, and unlike you the dungeon before her didn't level me up. I remember this actually annoyed me because all thoughout Mechonis I was overleveled, and Egil was an easy boss, even he enemies on the way to Bionis's heart were easy (despite me being a lower level) Loritha was a random spike in enemy levels, I found her harder then the Boss of the game.
As for your explanation, that makes a lot of sense. So then I'll change my opinion about the end of the game. However I think there could have been more explanation about the whole creating a new universe thing, it just has no scientific backing...
As for the game itself, if I were to rate it I still couldn't give it a 9/10, but I think for The Last Story, I can. XenoBlade had too much grinding, too much traeveling, and I don't think the side missions are organized very well. I mean it's a real hastle to rebuild Colony 6 and get some rare missions.
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