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I should have held off and got Skyrim with a new PC. I love Morrowind, Oblivion did some things right and some things wrong, Fallout 3 was amazing, Skyrim fixed some Oblivion problems. As far as them as developers they mess things up quite often. Difficulty with the PS3, favoring one console while trying to be mulitplatform, buggy initial starts, games like Brink. TES is still Bethesda to me and I need to keep it PC with them because they support the mod community. They've been too vocal against PlayStation but it seems like a self inflicted dislike. You'd think they would side more like Valve has with PlayStation's platform seeing that they are more of, or used to be, PC game developers. Mentioning Square Enix makes sense, that company too has branched out in way too many directions and seems to enjoy decisions that weaken original fan base though not as bad. Bethesda gets a lot of heat even though they aren't particularly that much worse than some other companies. People just really like them so one wrong move is highlighted.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(