Michael-5 said: Ahh that's too much for people who haven't gotten to her. I beat the game a long time ago, and I followed the trick, but I had to grind for about 2 hours, and change my party to Shult, Sharla (or Reyn, can't remember), and Riki....he's good. As for the ending, it's just not explained well enough for me, but it definatly is interesting. I especially loved the fights right before the boss of the game (on the planets) I just didn't like how the events in the later part of the game had minimal concequences, how most people survived Sword Valley, how people can still walk on Bionis while it walks, how Dickson didn't just double team with Loritha and kill you, how Shulk lived despite his body being....clone? Can you explain that one to me? I thought Shulk had no soul and was only a vessel. I also really didn't like how Fiora saved everyone when Mechonics died, how the entire party survived falling off Sword Valley, and how Shulk somehow made his own Monardo. However in general I did like the plot twist at the end and the overall story arc. This was a really good JRPG, really pushed the Wii, and if I could limit myself to 10 console games this gen, XenoBlade would probably just make the list. I'm liking The Last Story a bit more so far (and I'm about 90% done) because there is no grinding, or 3 hour stretches of just running from A to B (XenoBlade should have been a 40 hour game), more in depth character interactions, and character development (Syrenne is so different near the end of the game, then at the start), and a really well designed fight system. However both are excellent, I'm glad Project Rainfall was a relative success (No Pandora's Tower here). |
I bleeped the bit about Bionis heart.
What level were you at when you beat Lorithia? I was one level higher than her, and I didn't have to grind to beat her, the dungeon before her got me up high enough. I got whipped the first time, but that was because I tried to attack her head-on. Once I used Melia as I explained earlier, with Sharla and Dunban, I slaughtered her.
Xenoblade definiely has some plot holes, but some of those can be explained. Zanza gave Shulk life so that he could use him as a vessel, but once he did so, Shulk wasn't dependent on his continued support to live. His coma was due to being shot and the shock of Zanza leaving him. Alvis reveals later that Zanza inadvertantly made Shulk effectively a God; he left some of his godly power in him when he left his body, (the same happened with Meyneth and Fiora) which is how they exhibit the blue/red glows and super-human powers even after they are no longer hosts. (Culminating in Shulk getting his own Monado because as a God he's granted one by Alvis)
I did prefer the characters and faster pacing of TLS too, even if I liked Xeno more overall.