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So... yea... Vita just locked up on me. Had nothing but Twitter open, launched a link through Twitter that launched my webbrowser. Was reading an article on Edge or Eurogamer about an ex-Liverpool dev and his time at the studio and what he did after. I was using the rear touch pad for scrolling and then the screen just stopped scrolling. None of my touch commands worked and the home button did nothing. So I held the power button until the system restarted and give me that weird screen with 5 options. Used the first one to restart the system and then I came here on my laptop.

Haven't had an issue where I had to go to that screen since Skype came to the system. I've had my touch commands lag or just not receive any response and the problem would go away immediately if I close Skype. I've also had it lock up on me with skype running in stand-by. The system screen just wouldn't turn on no matter how many times I pressed the home or power button, and the battery was fine. it was on charge and the blue PS button light was on. Haven't used skype since about a week after it came to the system.

Just thought i'd share.

4 ≈ One