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Final Fantasy once was a handheld seller, it sold Wonderswans.

Today, my guess is Final Fantasy X HD will push a few Vitas. Uncharted GA sold very well considering the Vita fanbase, and I have no doubt that LBP for Vita will push HW, as will PS All-Stars. How much HW, I don't know. Comparable to 3DS, I don't think so not even a chance.

For PSP, Monster Hunter Freedom sold HW units in japan. Many other jrpgs when looked at together pushed many units. In the west, GTA and other western 3rd party games pushed the console.

On Nintendo's end, it's all too easy. Pokemon, NSMB, Brain Training, Nintendogs all once were system sellers. Of those now only Pokemon, NSMB and other main Mario games, and Mario Kart sell like they did last gen, they still push HW. It's my understanding that DQIX and games like FFIII remake pushed consoles into gamers hands as well, depending on the region (DQ in japan, FFIII in the US and japan).