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Pimp3k said:
Runa216 said:

Oh, and the system is too expensive.  It's WORTH what it offers, but that doesn't change the fact that the Vita and 3DS both prove that consumers aren't willing to pay 250+ for a dedicated gaming handheld.  3DS sales were almost as bad as Vita's until the price drop, that's when its sales skyrocketed, and the addition of must-have softward certainly helped (Zelda, Star Fox, Mario Kart 7, super Mario 3Dland).

So yeah, Sony certainly has to fix the issues with the system, but for real gamers, it shouldn't be an issue.  250-300 bucks is worth it when you consider the quality of the system and the games, and REAL gamers keep their old consoles, so the PSP should still work.  That doesn't change the fact that core gamers are the minority now.

Sony's biggest mistake?  Catering to the core crowd, a group of people who are picky and known for their bitchiness and negativity.  (Seriously, how many threads have there been on this forum alone bemoaning the vita's game list?)  Hell, I can't read an article that PRAISES the damn system without them putting in some offhand jab about how it has no games.  The link MUGEN posted earlier about LittleBigPlanet Vita even basically went "Well, Vita can look forward to an awesome LittlebigPlanet entry, which is good becuase the system has no games and it certainly needs it."  lolwtf?

As has been said dozens of times in this thread, the Vita has plenty of games not only released, but on the horizon.  and if you're comparing the Vita's library to, say, the PS3 or PSP, then of course it's gonna seem lackluster, we're talking a system that's been out 6 YEARS compared to the vita's 6 MONTHS.  if you expect a brand new system to just magically get a dozen top rated best sellers within a few months, you're delusional.  Of COURSE it has no games, it's only been out half a year and hasn't even hit its first holiday yet.

People are delusional.

I really don't think that 250$ is too much or too expensive. Especially with so many ppl spending 600$ each time Apple introduces new iPad. And what do they do on those iPad's? Play 1$ casual games, watch movies, listen to music, surf, tweet, FB... All things that they can do on PS Vita. I'm not saying that Vita is by any means better than tablet, I'm just saying that many iPad or Tablet owners bought them to use them for "gaming on the go" among other things. I for one thing use my tablet mostly as an ebook reader.

Vita has no games? Then why I'm always buying games if that's the truth? My "wish list" has over 35 titles on it and most of those will be released 'till the middle of 2013. The only complaint that I have is that some games are sloppy 3DS ports (I'm looking at you WB). I really don't mind that, but if you are porting something than do it right, and if hardware can handle more than give him more.

People will bitch. Some will bitch because they can't afford it, some will bitch because they wan't it but good riddance it's from SONY, some will bitch because games they want to play are being released on Vita... But trutfully there's a game for everyone on Vita, and everyone should be able to find something to his liking no matter what. If that's not the case, than that person should get laid and hopefully he/she'll be a bit less frustrated after that.

I didn't say it was too expensive, I said that people weren't willing to pay 250+ for a handheld that mostly just plays games.  yeah, it does plenty of other things, but that's not how the general public sees it. 

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