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Chark said:
Runa216 said:
ils411 said:
I just loaded $20 on my PSN. Which would you guys recommend, sound shapes or plants vs zombies? I know that I like plants vs zombies but sound shapes is something new. Or maybe I should wait for fw 1.80 and bet 2 or so psone classic games?

hmmmm... so many choices and yet the PS Vita has no gaemz!

Get Sound Shapes, seriously.  The world is atwitter about the quality of THAT game, not to mention you get two for the price of one (PS3 and PSV, buy one, get the other) 

As for you people with your 4 and 8 gig memory cards...what's up with that?  for a system that seems to be edging the world more towards digital distribution, Anything below 16 gig seems like a waste of time.  EVERY system should come free with an 8 gig at the least, the 4 gig should be phased out entirely, and bundles should come with 16 or 32 gigs.  

Then again, the 3DS comes with a 2 gig, which is pretty insignificant...but that system isn't relying on digital to bolster sales.  

I have a 32 gig card in my vita, I have like 20 games downloaded between PSN, PSVita, PSMinis, and PSP games, and I still have 23 gigs left.  Once the Final Fantasy games (V-IX) are available for it, I don't think I'll ever need my PSP again, which is why I think I'm gonna leave my PS1 games on the PSP.  I love that system and don't want to abandon it!  

I got the bundle at launch that had the 8 gb and I've been fine shuffling out games and using physical cartridges. I use it to listen to podcasts as well, though I am tempting to toss some music on there too. I will upgrade to a 32gb when I find the money and the right deal. I understand people like ils411 can't be downloading whenever but I think just finish game A, delete it, so you can get game B is the best route. I've 100% games like Super Stardust Delta, Motorstorm RC, and Sumioni Demon Arts and I will delete them as soon as I need room for the next thing. I haven't been so lucky to have a loose budget to buy too many games for the system so I guess me not having that problem isn't the greatest blessing. If you are a strictly physical medium gamer 4gb is just fine, 8gb if you like music too, 16gb or 32gb if you plan on digital downloads and everything else. I agree the 4gb should be in box since its the card for those who are buying physical. It would have saved Sony a lot of flak even with the high memory card price who would complain that much with 4gb in box?

I was going to say something like that myself, but then I remembered that the vita has a heavy emphasis on PSN downloads as well.  Some of the best games for the system thus far have been downloads only, such as super Stardust Delta and Tales from Space: Mutant blobs attack.  even just using a memory card to save games and getting those titles, a 4 gig card fills very quickly.  

I plan on deleting games when I'm done with them, too.  I figure once I get to 10-15 gigs left, I'll do  a purge.  with 23 gigs left on my stick (which is in actuality only 29 gigs), I've only used 6 gigs.  I have a long way to go before that baby's filled. 

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