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Dey terk errr gaaayyyymesssssss!!!!

Seriously, I find it hilarious that some people, namely Sony fans, complain about games and franchises that were once exclusive to one system going multiplatform. They didn't care when Nintendo gamers had to beg for 3rd parties to throw them a bone once in awhile like ports of RE2 and Tony Hawk more than a year after they originally hit PS1.

And now they tout the strength of their 1st party lineup after living off nothing but 3rd party support for 2 generations and mocking Nintendo fans for defending their systems' 1st and 2nd party libraries. Oh the irony.

Not gonna lie though, I got a little upset when previously announced "exclusive" games like Viewtiful Joe and RE4 found their way to other consoles last gen while most PS2 exclusives remained just that with the exception of the GTA games eventually being ported to Xbox. But now that I can enjoy most major 3rd party franchises on one console, I like the fact that most games are multiplatform.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.