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Also 68,000 sales in USA alone week 1. Given that XenoBlade sold 141,000, and released on its release date, that's actually pretty good for The Last Story. North America sales are probably closer to 79k, I think it sold 82 globally.

I just want to mention I think week 2 sales will be stronger then XenoBlade. I know most people in the USA got their hands on the game Thursday, but not everyone waited by the phone to know the game was in and picked it up right away like me. So I bet you a lot of pre-orders and day 1 buyers got the game sunday or later. In Canada the game was only available on Saturday, and it only came into my EB Games at, I know Canada is only 10% as big as USA, but I bet you week 2 sales here will be as strong, if not stronger then week...erm, day 1 sales.

The Last Story opened about half as strong as XenoBlade, but I think lifetime sales will be a bit over 50% of XenoBlades in Americas. I think Last Story could get 200,000 sales here, which will hopefully be enough for XSeed to localize Pandora's Tower.

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