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Serious advice.

Your first 3 months should be concentrated at socializing rather than studying (but preferably both if you have the stamina). You can always catch up with your studies later, but it's much harder to catch up with the social life if you missed out in the start. (actually you should be thinking first 3 weeks rather than 3 months, because the very first weeks are absolutely crucial!)

When people are new in collage they're more open and interested in making friends, while later they've already formed their groups they hang out with. You don't wanna miss out on that and end up being the lonely guy.

So put energy in making male friends. Male friends are obviously valuable in themselves, but through the male friends you'll also gain access to parties and chicks later on.

Do not become the one emo guy who only hangs out with a pack of girls, because you won't benefit from that in the long run.