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Bursche said:
vaio said:
The moment Bush approve guantanamo bay prisons or detentions (what ever you want to call it) he became one step closer to Hussein and that´s why most people think he is a war criminal.

Yea because putting less than a thousand suspected terrorists in a US Military Base is about as bad as gassing millions of Kurds. Jeez, someone get the UN and arrest Bush!!!


Now Im not a far right, Im actually really moderate and I disapprove of Bush. But the man isnt nearly as bad as people make him out to be. HIstory will prove this. Scandals and an unpopular war makes him an easy target for just about everything under the sun, but if you really sit down and think about it, i mean without all the propaganda about everything being his fault, you will see heisnt THAT bad. He isnt great, good, hes just mediocre.

Eh, i'd put him in the "Mediocre-bad" column. He was nowhere near the worse... but I think we'd of been better off with a different president. I think when they eventually rate presidents he'll end up historically below the mendoza line.

The Mendoza like being William Henry Harrison of course.

For our non-american friends... the Mendoza line is a baseball term. It's when your batting average is below .198 or so. It's a term named after Mario Mendoza who was one of the best defensive players of all time... who sucked at hitting. Basically if you are a pitcher that hit's lower then he does, your defense is no longer better then your offense.

Basically your doing more bad then good.

Also for our non-american friends. William Henry Harrison died in 31 days into office.

So he did basically nothing. Presidents who fall below William Henry Harrison are basically seen as been bad for the nation, while those above have been seen to do atleast ok for the nation or at least didn't damage the country significantly even if outside situations hurt it that were unstoppable.

Bush wasn't anywhere nearas bad as Pierce, Harding or Buchanon. I'd put him neck and neck with Andrew Jackson.  Andrew Jackson caused much worse problems... but he also had a much harder road out there, and they went about it about the same way... had they been switched presidencies i think Jackson would of handled everything better then Bush would handle reconstruction.

For those saying Lincoln was overrated.... note 3 of the 4 worst presidents ever surrounded him. Lincoln was freaking amazing. He just didn't give a damn about black people.