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BasilZero said:

Aerys said:
So technically, a lot of game called sequel are re-imagination

What is a sequel for you ? I call a game a sequel when the story is the sequel , simply.

For me, I look at games in different views than most people:

I'll give a prime example of my views using Capcom's Resident Evil series

Original = The original game
Ex. Resident Evil (PSX)

Remake = A Visual/Audio upgrade of a original game
Ex. Resident Evil (GCN)

Reboot = A complete re-telling or re-imagining gameplay wise of a original game
Ex. Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles , Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

Enhanced Port = A upgrade of a original game which includes extra content that is minor to the storyline but adds value to the gameplay.
Ex. Resident Evil Deadly Silence (NDS)

Port = An exact Port of a original game
Ex. Resident Evil (SAT)

Sequel = Sequel storyline wise to a original game
Ex. Resident Evil 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Prequel = Prequel Storyline wise to a original game
Ex. Resident Evil 0

Spinoff = Takes place in the same universe, but gameplay wise and/or storyline wise different from the original
Ex. Resident Evil Code Veronica X , Resident Evil Gaiden, Resident Evil Dead Aim, Resident Evil Outbreak



So the reboot is a new point of view of the original game, im agree with that, this is why i cant call him a reboot.

When i think Reboot, i think Amazing Spiderman :s or the new devil may cry :s

Even if they took place at the same time, i may call RE UC and DC spin off, for me, a spin off is also a total change in the kind of gameplay , like Dead Space Extraction.

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