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NightDragon83 said:
stof said:
The fact that there is anyone left on this planet that would still defend Bush and his Republican party scares the ever living crap out of me.

Yeah, damn Republican party.... why'd they have to free the slaves... damn Lincoln, should've never signed that stupid emancipation proclamation. Oh well, it's all good.... the Democrats fixed that by ensuring that 90% of future African-Americans will blindly follow and vote for their party while the very people they vote for continue to hold them back or use them as "victims" for their own race-baiting tactics, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Im lookin more and more forward to President Hitlary every day... for only she (he? it??) can bring an end to all this lying and corruption by the eeeeeeeeevil BushCheneyMcHaliburton Administration.... oh snap, my sarcasm meter just exploded!

You do realize that all the segregationists and those who were pissed about slavery being abolosihed... the so called "Dixiecrats" ended up joining the republican party... and those who are in control of the current republican party are more in line with those guys then they are the Abe's boys... making them much more like those who Lincoln were against... right?

The Democratic party northerners were also against slavery and wanted to end it. Now those Dixiecrats aren't in the democratic party, but in the republican party. Slavery wasn't about a "What is right for black people." It was just a North vs South powerstruggle issue.

As Lincoln said, "If I could free all the slaves and perserve the union I would, if i could free none of the slaves and perserve the union I would."

All he cared about was getting the south back. If I remember right, his ideal plan was putting all the black people on a boat and sending them back to Africa.

Lincoln freeing the slaves was done as a political move to gain support for their troops.

Kidna like the revolutionary war. Where England freed all the slaves in America... to gain them to fight for them.

Yeah, that's right. America winning the Revolutionary war meant white americans were free... but it meant many many more years of slavery for Black America. By my book that made us the "bad guys" and the British really wern't being that unreasonable.

Also everyone knows the Civil War's fault was all Buchannon and Pierce's fault. Both times they were supposed to be Pro North guys but as soon as they got into office they reverted to theyr "doughface" ways and gave prefrence to the south. With Buchanon going so far to say the south could break away, and it would be illegal, however us stopping them would also be illegal. The only way to have stopped the Civil War would of been to let the south break away.