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Aerys said:

Hello, Good News everyone ! :

Like Japan, Europe will have the box version of New Little King Story and this going to be on Vita the 27 September !! :)

Aerys said:

I forgot a thing about New Little King Story !

There will be a multiplayer cooperation mode in this sequel!!

So impatient ! :)

The year end belong to Vita with so many hits , Little Big Planet, Ragnarok Odysssey, New Little King Story, Assassin's Creed LIberation, Playstation battle Royale, Persona 4, and i'm sure i forgot a few!... this going to be very painful for my bank !

 Final someone excited about LKS besides me ^_^

Thanks for all the info.  Looks like I'll be getting LKS & LBP for the Vita this September.

Nice surprise that LKS will feature a Multiplayer mode! Dude Add me on PSN so we can play together when LKS is released.

psn: Lucifer_Kuroro




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