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zero129 said:

How Xbox Live is blatantly better than PSN

It's American

Unlike the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live is American, and as such it enjoys all the benefits that America has to offer. Xbox Live stands for freedom, a strong work ethic, democracy, God, eagles, Obama, and justice. Meanwhile, PSN is not American, and as such does not stand for freedom or any of the other things I can't be bothered to type out again. Also, it's probably racist a little bit.


Wait.....I thought you were arguing XBL was better then PSN! Being American is a counter arguement!!!

Being American means shitty build quality. Wasn't the original 360 failrate 33%? Let's think of other American companies. General Moters (Now Government Moters), Ford, Dodge (now owned by Fiat), Acer Computers, Apple, Wal-Mart, Nike, Reebok, Bell, Rogers, etc. All terrible companies.

Nike and Reebok make shoes for under $1 in former slave shops, and sell them for over $100. Apple and Microsoft products (like 360 and iPhone) have the lowest relibility among electronics and are made user the most minimal conditions at Foxconn (China).

GM, Ford, and Dodge are shitty cars (well Ford is ok), and they used to follow a car module called planned obselence, where after 3 years (80,000km) all of the parts would simultaniously break down, making it cheaper to buy a new car then fix the old one, thus maintaining sales. Then the Japanese came in and in order to keep costs low, quality (as in material quality) dropped fast. Now all American cars look like shit, and even now GM and Dodge make cuts in productions which lead to terrible issues (like steering wheels falling of Cruze's, google it).

Acer Computers.....yea lets just not go there, complete shit.

Wal-Mart, Richer then Poland, but the Waltons deserve it. Zero funding to charity, cheap quality products, most often made in China under slave shops.


LOL, seriously, that was a funny comment.

But really XBL isn't better. I own a 360, and used to own a PS3 (might rebuy one, just want to know if PS4 is backward compatible or not), and I liked PSN a lot more.

First of all the service is the same, you don't get shit extra when you pay for XBL and you still can't play XBL if you have no internet connection. All you get on XBL over PSN is party comminication, but in reality I rarely play games where I want to talk to my friends while they play something else. Usually I only use it to set up matches and invite friends to my game.

Facebook and Twitter? You do have a PC you know, and PS3 has a web browser. I never use these BS social medium anyway, if people want to talk to me, they can just call.

And what's with all the sex analogies? If you want to pay for sex, go right ahead, she probably has something anyway. The best sex is the one you get from your gf/bf/wife/husband. Why? Because they actually give a shit about you and don't just look at you as an income source. They also probably aren't all loose as hell down there, and can feel stuff still.

PS3 getting hacked....okay, so what? No ones credit card info was lost.

Advertizing? No....this is another counter. I want to go onto my system to play games. I don't watch cable to avoid ads and I'll do the same with games.

Organization? It takes me forever to edit my info on XBL, it's easy on PS3. 360 is so ad filled I dunno where I'm going took me a minute to find where I play my game after the last update (lol, no seriously I hit right at the load up and didn't notice and couldn't find it in all the ads).

As for Call of Duty...another cash grab huh? I don't play CoD to the point where I go out and buy a $60 game day 1 and then $30 worth of map packs. I play my 360 for $20 games like Halo and Tales of Vesperia.


Also....XBL is expensive. Had I subscribed to XBL Gold this year, I would have paid $60 for the year right? I'm played online only a handful of times so realistically I would have paid $5 each time I used it.



I think this blog is a joke, I just wanted to rant about the American bit....and I never got a copy of Undertow!!!!

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