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Nem said:
Mr Puggsly said:

that "small" fee shouldnt be there at all.

And it shouldn't be there because...?

Why should you have free access to an online infrastructure created and maintained by MS?

I hope you have better answers than, "I shouldn't have to pay for that!" or "I already pay for the internet!"

Because you paying for it does not give you any additional benefits. You can give millions to microsoft if you want. In a couple of years you wont be able to play gears and halo online anymore. Unless of course, you buy the new versions sure to come out. And the cycle goes again.

Realise that liking the game and wanting to play them online is fine. You want to do charity to microsoft for it, go ahead. But the fee isnt justified. The server costs are minimal and they will be shut down in just a few years. You're virtually buying the game and paying for a service that will not exist anymore in a few years. How you consider that money well spent is beyond me.

If microsoft garanteed the servers would stay up aslong as you pay for it i would understand, but they really dont care.

As for oozing ignorance im sad you feel that way, because i totally understand leaking the same kind of comments when i see your posts. I know that you're a lost case in this matter, but i really want people that are reading this thread to see that microsoft is taking advantage of them and shoving it off like its a justifiable fee when its not, will just lead to even further abuse from microsoft. Its that kind of company, and its not where i want to see the industry heading.



As a side note, i want to let people know that there are plenty of hackers on Xboxlive aswell. These posts saying that its a much safer service is a load of parcial views. Xbox live has already been hacked aswell, it just didnt last longer and microsoft mostly baffled the subject.

Dont believe me? Great that should be the spirit. Go on youtube and you can see for example the rankings on Sonic games full of hackers and hackers playing the locked SF x Tekken character online on Xbox live.

I dont preach the believe me cause im right like others here try to, i preach the go and see it for yourself so you know what is really happening.

Amazing, you still just don't get it. The benefit for a lot of us it ability to play games we prefer. PS3 has a ton of online games I could play for free... but I'd rather spend my time playing something I enjoy. I don't know your financial situation, but $60 is not a lot of money to me for something I will use all year.

"You're virtually buying the game and paying for a service that will not exist anymore in a few years. How you consider that money well spent is beyond me." I'm paying for entertainment now and its a relatively small amount. You ever go to the movie theater? You simply pay for entertainment for that moment. You ever eat out? Once again, you are just paying for a moment of entertainement.

Some sort of fee is justified considering its not free to offer online services. For many years PSN was in the red. I presume PSN Plus is finally making PSN profitable.

Its not a charity since I feel what I get from the service is worth what I pay.

For someone who claims to not care about how people spend their money... you sure care an awful lot. Anyhow, just bear in mind competition is a good thing. You think PSN would be as good without MS creating such a fantastic service? Its seems like almost everything Sony does is a response to Xbox. MS forces Sony to compete and make their service better. So even if you dislike MS, you atleast owe them thanks for making PSN great.

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