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I fully support the intent of organizations like Wikileaks. I am all for more transparency in government, either willingly from the government or unwilling through groups like Wikileaks. It's arguable Wikileaks had a hand in starting the Tunisian uprisings, with its leaking of information about the Tunisian ruling class' lavish lifestyle.

Wikileaks (and the information age in general) helps to ensure that people are in control of their governments, as opposed to governments being in control of their people.

Though it's funny watching the far right patriotic types around me contort themselves over this issue. People like my dad are convinced Obama is secretly up to no good, signing stuff in back rooms all over the world that'll take all our guns away and sell us out to Russia, but when a whistle-blowing group like Wikileaks pops up, suddenly its all "they'll reveal our secrets and hurt our troops! Treasonous swine!" Then they go on continuing to believe the exact type of conspiracies an organization like Wikileaks would reveal.